Posted by Dave Reynolds on Thursday, June 6, 2013,
In :
Beach Clean Report
Thanks to those that came to the beach clean. We managed to collect 13 bags of rubbish, which we left on the Borth & Ynyslas Golf Course. The Golf Course kindly remove the bags for us. We stopped at the new cafe on the Ynsylas turn car park and had some lovely cake and coffee. It was really good :D
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Tuesday, May 21, 2013,
In :
Beach Clean Report
Thanks to those of you who came along to the clean on Thursday.
the morning the group worked by the RNLI station but after lunch we
moved down to Ynyslas as there was deemed to be more rubbish there.
Lots of people turned up - (I didn't count them as it wasn't my clean) -
and lots of rubbish was removed from both areas.
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Sunday, December 11, 2011,
In :
Beach Clean Report
The last beach clean of 2011 was on Sunday 11 December. The rain had passed and the day was quite warm. Six of us turned up to clean the beach and we were going along fine. The rain came, a persistent drizzle, which made things more difficult, but not too bad.
Near the end we spotted that the sky was getting darker, and that there was rain on the horizon. We kept going, just to do 5 minutes more and ended up in heavy rain. Nevermind, we managed to collect 15 bags full of rubbish from the beach... Continue reading ...
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Monday, November 28, 2011,
In :
Beach Clean Report
We had a good beach clean. The weather was sunny and dry, although it was very windy.
Nineteen people, and a couple of dogs, turned up to help and we worked both directions from the youth hostel.
Everyone put in about one and a half hours and we managed to remove 21 bags full of rubbish from the beach. Well done everyone.
Some of us went to the Community Hall afterwards to have puddings which were being sold to raise money for Ysgol Craig Yr Wylfa Borth Primary School. The puddings were great :D
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Thursday, October 20, 2011,
In :
Beach Clean Report
On Sunday October 2nd at 2pm we met at the Ynyslas Turn car park.
There was plenty of rubbish there needing to be
picked up so we went over the wall and worked North and South. The weather was glorious and the 14 people that turned up to help had a fine day to enjoy.
We left 15 bags at the entrance to the car park, from where the council picked them up.
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Thursday, July 21, 2011,
In :
Beach Clean Report
On Sunday 9th July seven people turned up to clean the beach opposite the Youth Hostel and cleaned along towards the
Railway station. We collected 13 bags of rubbish.
We cleaned the
Beach at Borth starting at the Youth Hostel. We worked our way along
Southwards and gave the beach a good clean. We found the usual mix of
cig butts, beer cans, chip paper, sweet wrappers, fishing nets and other
fishing related debris. There also seems to be an issue with people
taking their dog poo home with... Continue reading ...
The volunteers cleaned along the beach starting at the entry to the Boardwalk and going all the way to the first groyne at the car park by Ynyslas Turn.
We spoke to one of the CCW guys as they were just about to finish. They had collected a large number of bags and were going to ship the back using the CCW LandRover. Continue reading ...
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Saturday, May 21, 2011,
In :
Beach Clean Report
It was a windy and showery day and quite chilly for the time of year, We arrived for the beach clean at 3pm, just as a heavey shower started, so we waited in the car until 3:15 when the rain passed.
We had some interesting things to collect
the remains of someone's party that they had left on the beach
a number of fish and chip cartons that had been buried under stones, (it was clear that about 4 people had had a chip supper on the beach)
we also found three used nappies (what are people doing...
Posted by Sandi Baker on Tuesday, April 26, 2011,
In :
Beach Clean Report
A big thankyou to those of you who
managed to escape various Easter chores or visitors and come along to
the beach on Saturday.
There wasnt a lot of rubbish up near the
YMCA so we spread out towards town. Despite removing eight or nine
bags and assorted carbumper and metal, frames there is still quite a lot
left still between some of the sea defences on the way into town before
you hit the new boulder heaps. Most of the stuff we collected seemed
quite small so it took a long time ... Continue reading ...
Posted by Sandi Baker on Wednesday, March 23, 2011,
In :
Beach Clean Report
Thank you so much those of you that turned out on Sunday for the Ynyslas Beach clean.
Unlike the day before when Borth was
apparently crawling with people, the cooler weather kept folk away, only
a sand yacht and some horses on the very low tide. Oh and the peat beds were widely
9 people collected
eleven bags of junk, mainly plastic bottle tops and assorted lengths of
fishing line. There was one shoe and a BIG nest of frayed fishing rope
that was quite spectacular! Like a mermaids... Continue reading ...
Posted by Sandi Baker on Sunday, February 27, 2011,
In :
Beach Clean Report
Thank you to all the folk who collected rubbish on the beach at Borth this saturday afternoon just gone.
It was a beautiful afternoon, despite the brisk northerly wind, with amazing sunshine and blue sky along the coastal strip.
We collected betwen us 16 black sacks of junk, a long length of
guttering and a hefty chequered road sign (well washed) There hadnt
seemed to be that much rubbish on the beach after the recent high tides
(perhaps its all in Tywyn by now!) but we soon found the usu... Continue reading ...
Posted by Sarah Reynolds on Monday, January 24, 2011,
In :
Beach Clean Report
Thanks to the 15 people who came along on Sunday 23rd January and picked up 21 bags
of rubbish alongside the golf course. For once it was a lovely day - no
rain - and there was plenty of rubbish to find.
It was a really sociable event and it was great to see so many people there.
If you weren't able to come but you would like to help clean the beach,
then why not take a bag over the next time you go for a walk and fill
it. You can leave it next to any of the public waste bins. If... Continue reading ...
Posted by Vivienne Vick on Tuesday, December 21, 2010,
In :
Beach Clean Report
My friend Tom and I go to Ynyslas most Mondays. We usually collect 2 bags, 2/3 full, as you know they get heavy and can tear. I figure we have missed out on about 8 Mondays this year, maybe 10.
Tom is disabled, but loves to walk and carry, so he carries the bags, and I do the picking.
We have our own little spot, and once that is done we move off to other parts of Ynyslas.
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Monday, December 6, 2010,
In :
Beach Clean Report
The weather was a bit showery on Saturday, but was glorius on Sunday. We continued to collect rubbish from the area alongside the Borth & Ynyslas Golf Club, and the Club agreed to take the bags away for us, which was a great help. We managed to collect 22 bags in total. Another great effort from everyone who came to help.
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Sunday, October 10, 2010,
In :
Beach Clean Report
The beach clean at Ynyslas cleaned an area of the beach in front of the car park near the Ynyslas turn. It was a lovely sunny day and we had a good clean, collecting 17 bags of rubbish. Thanks to all those who made it, and to those who couldn't today, but sent their best wishes. Hope to see you all again soon at the next beach clean.
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Friday, October 1, 2010,
In :
Beach Clean Report
Last Saturday Mary Scott organised a beach clean-up in response to an
email from the Keep Wales Tidy man, Richard Thomas, regarding the Keep
Wales Tidy Week.
The response to the posters put around the village
was very positive and about 15 volunteers, including staff from the Bardsey,
collected 16 bags of rubbish from the area in front of the Borth RNLI lifeboat station.
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Sunday, September 5, 2010,
In :
Beach Clean Report
We had a good turn out for this beach clean, with approx 14 volunteers turning up. The weather was good and we worked from 10:30 through to midday. We managed to collect 22 bags of rubbish, lots of sweet paper, drink tops, cigaret butts, and old rope. Thanks to everyone who turned up to help, it was a great effort. The bags will be collected by Ceredigion council workers either today or tomorrow.
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Tuesday, July 27, 2010,
In :
Beach Clean Report
Jamie, Devan and Macaulie came to visit Ynyslas today, and decided that they would like to help with our Beach cleans. They took some bags over to the beach and managed to collect 6 bags full in less than two hours. Well done boys.