Posted by Sarah Reynolds on Tuesday, May 21, 2013,
In :
Coming Soon
I haven't been able to speak to
Gareth yet about using the quad bike as he has been away. I hope to
speak to him at the weekend.
So, let's say:
Sunday June 2nd at 10am meeting at the Ynyslas turn car park.
hope that suits some of you. If that's not a convenient time and you'd
like to do another time - let me know and maybe we can join you another
time too... ... Continue reading ...
Beach clean at Borth beach on Thursday 16th May meeting at 10am at the car park adjacent to the RNLI
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Monday, May 13, 2013,
In :
Coming Soon
13 – 19th May is Keep Wales Tidys’ inaugural Clean Coasts Week ( )
Beach clean at Borth beach on Thursday 16th
May meeting at 10am at the car park adjacent to the RNLI, or just turn
up any time between 10am and 3pm. Litter picking kit will be provided
so just bring yourselves along. For
further information about this clean-up or if you wish to arrange a
clean-up elsewhere in Ceredigion please contact Richard Wyn Thomas,
Ceredigion’s Kee... Continue reading ...
Next Beach Clean Sunday 11th December at 1pm meeting at the Ynyslas Turn car park.
Posted by Sarah Reynolds on Tuesday, December 6, 2011,
In :
Coming Soon
 The last clean we did was very well attended. 19 people picked up 21
bags of rubbish from the beach opposite the Youth Hostel. Thanks to
everyone who came.
I've just realised that if we want to get one more clean in this year it had better be soon so how about:
Sunday 11th December at 1pm meeting at the Ynyslas Turn car park.
I know it is short notice (as it often is) but if you can make it that
would be great. We normally spend about an hour and a half cleaning.
If you come after 1... Continue reading ...
Next Beach Clean Sunday 27th November at 1pm by Youth Hostel
Posted by Sarah Reynolds on Friday, November 18, 2011,
In :
Coming Soon
Thanks to everyone who came to the last beach clean. There were 14 people and we managed to collect 15 bags and assorted bits of plastic. For our next effort can we meet at the Youth Hostel on Sunday 27th November at 1pm. We'll try to get a look at the beach before then to decide where to concentrate our efforts. We will spend about an hour and a half cleaning. Hope you can make it and that the weather is as unseasonably warm as it has been. Please let me know if you are coming, so we can look ... Continue reading ...
Next Beach Clean 30th July at 2pm
Posted by Sarah Reynolds on Monday, July 25, 2011,
In :
Coming Soon
Would you be able to come and join us for a beach clean on:
Saturday July 30th
at 2pm
Meet at Youth Hostel, but walk North to an area of beach alongside the Golf Course and then work back.
The last clean was on July 9th when seven volunteers collected 13 bags
of rubbish from in front of the Youth Hostel - well done and many thanks
to all of them.
A few days after that we walked along the top of the beach between the
Youth Hostel and Ynyslas and the part alongside the Golf Course rea... Continue reading ...
Next Beach clean Saturday July 9th at 10am
Posted by Sarah Reynolds on Monday, June 27, 2011,
In :
Coming Soon
Sorry for not arranging a beach clean in June. I just don't know where that month went!
How about Saturday July 9th at 10am for the next clean?
We will meet opposite the Youth Hostel and see what we can find there and maybe walk further North up the beach if need be.
I hope that you will be able to find time to come along and spend an hour or two picking up plastics and other rubbish!
Continue reading ...
Next Beach Clean 21 May 2011
Posted by Sarah Reynolds on Tuesday, May 10, 2011,
In :
Coming Soon
I've been looking at my diary for the next few weeks and have picked out Saturday May 21st 3pm as a good time for a beach clean. We'll meet at the car park at Ynyslas turn and have another go alongside the golf course as I think there is still enough rubbish along there to keep us busy. I hope that you will be able to come along and help and enjoy an hour or two on the beach (fingers crossed for nice weather). Continue reading ...
Beach Clean Today - 26 February 2011
Posted by Sandi Baker on Saturday, February 26, 2011,
In :
Coming Soon
Ive looked at the
forecast and as usual its a bit mixed, supposed to be drier (relatively
speaking ) on the west coast and drier as the day goes on, but the
chance of rain has gone from 65% to 90% light NW wind and max temp 8
deg, so I'll get the hoops out and if any of you feel like bringing
waterproofs and wellies out, we'll see what we can do .
Keep your fingers crossed So please join me, if you can, on
Saturday February 26th any time in the afternoon from 13.00.
- pick up a bag,... Continue reading ...
Beach Clean 26 February 2011
Posted by Sarah Reynolds on Thursday, February 17, 2011,
In :
Coming Soon
Hi All, have you noticed the days are getting longer? We'll have Summer Time too at the end of March!
Further to our fantastic record breaking
cleans last year and January 2011 alongside the golf course, we've been
told there's a lot of litter waiting for us on the beach across from the
Youth Hostel.
Might be a good idea if we give this area the once over next. So please join us, if you can, on Saturday February 26th any time in the afternoon from 13.00. -
pick up a bag, hoop, litter pic... Continue reading ...
Beach Clean Saturday 23 Oct and Tuesday 26 Oct
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Monday, October 18, 2010,
In :
Coming Soon
Could you spare an hour to help clean the beach
between Borth and Ynyslas? If so, why not come and join us at the next session of
the Borth and Ynyslas Beach Clean. We will be in thecar park opposite the Youth Hostel on Saturday October 23rd from 10am to 4pm and again onTuesday October 26th from 11am to 3pm.
We have bags, gloves and litter pickers – all we need
is YOU!!! Come along when you can.
Continue reading ...
Beach Clean - 10th October 2010
Posted by Sandi on Thursday, September 16, 2010,
In :
Coming Soon
Beach Clean 10th October
Posted by Sarah Reynolds on Friday, September 10, 2010,
In :
Coming Soon
Thanks to everyone who came to the beach clean on Saturday 4th
opposite the Youth Hostel. We had about 15 people and managed to pick up
22 bags of rubbish from the area we covered.
next clean is one organised by CCW at Ynyslas Reserve and is on Sunday
19th September at 2pm. I'm afraid I won't be able to come as we will be
at the Borth Rowing Club Race Day (weather permitting) but Sandi will be
there with hoops and pickers and gloves. I hope that you can make it.
There is a poster a... Continue reading ...
Next Beach Clean 19th September
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Sunday, September 5, 2010,
In :
Coming Soon
Meet at Ynyslas Visitors Centre.
All events are free This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it end_of_the_skype_highlighting01970 872 900
Ynyslas Big Beach Clean: 2pm, Sunday 19th September
Annual Big Beach Clean and Count in conjunction with the Marine
Conservation Society – last year thousands of items were counted and
bagged, please join us to make this year an even greater ... Continue reading ...
4th September 2010 - Meet opposite Youth Hostel at 10:30am
Posted by Sarah Reynolds on Tuesday, August 24, 2010,
In :
Coming Soon
I hope you have all been enjoying the summer holidays despite the somewhat changeable weather we have been having.
I haven't arranged a beach clean for a while as lots of people have been
away/busy but here are the details for the next one. I hope that lots
of you can make it as there does seem to be quite a lot of plastic
rubbish on the beach.
Date: Saturday September 4th
Time: 10:30am
Location: opposite Youth Hostel and working northwards from there
 We'll bring bags/gloves/sticks as ... Continue reading ...
Beach Clean - Sunday 27th June 2010
Posted by Dave Reynolds on Monday, June 14, 2010,
In :
Coming Soon
The last beach clean we had was well attended - and we managed to collect 14 bags of rubbish. There wasn't a lot of big stuff - more little bits of plastic, bottles, cans and lots and lots of bits of string from the fishing boats. So, those 14 bags took quite a lot of filling!!
Well done, and thanks, to all who came along. Unfortunately the weather didn't play along with our idea of a picnic so everyone split up into small groups to go and get lunch wherever rather than braving the weather on... Continue reading ...
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