July 25, 2011
Would you be able to come and join us for a beach clean on:
Saturday July 30th
at 2pm
Meet at Youth Hostel, but walk North to an area of beach alongside the Golf Course and then work back.
The last clean was on July 9th when seven volunteers collected 13 bags
of rubbish from in front of the Youth Hostel - well done and many thanks
to all of them.
A few days after that we walked along the top of the beach between the
Youth Hostel and Ynyslas and the part alongside the Golf Course really
needs a clean. So, the plan is to meet in front of the Youth Hostel and
then walk North towards Ynyslas on the sand and then clean back towards
the Youth Hostel. That way we can get to the area that is worse rather
than starting from the Youth Hostel and cleaning an area that is not so
So come along to the Youth Hostel at 2pm if you can and join us to walk
North, otherwise if you come a bit later and we have already gone, just
walk along the beach to find us. We will have bags and pickers etc with
If you intend to come and you let me know we will look out for you but
we should be easy enough to find. We will be the ones with bin bags and
litter pickers :0)
I hope this is clear enough and if not, please feel free to mail me with your questions.
Hope to see you there.
Posted by Sarah Reynolds. Posted In : Coming Soon
July 21, 2011
On Sunday 9th July seven people turned up to clean the beach opposite the Youth Hostel and cleaned along towards the
Railway station. We collected 13 bags of rubbish.
We cleaned the
Beach at Borth starting at the Youth Hostel. We worked our way along
Southwards and gave the beach a good clean. We found the usual mix of
cig butts, beer cans, chip paper, sweet wrappers, fishing nets and other
fishing related debris. There also seems to be an issue with people
taking their dog poo home with...
Continue reading...
Posted by Dave Reynolds. Posted In : Beach Clean Report
June 27, 2011
Sorry for not arranging a beach clean in June. I just don't know where that month went!
How about Saturday July 9th at 10am for the next clean?
We will meet opposite the Youth Hostel and see what we can find there and maybe walk further North up the beach if need be.
I hope that you will be able to find time to come along and spend an hour or two picking up plastics and other rubbish!
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Posted by Sarah Reynolds. Posted In : Coming Soon
June 21, 2011

On Sunday 19th June CCW
http://www.ccw.gov.uk/ organised a beach clean from the CCW Centre ay Ynyslas along with Aber Adventures
The volunteers cleaned along the beach starting at the entry to the Boardwalk and going all the way to the first groyne at the car park by Ynyslas Turn.
We spoke to one of the CCW guys as they were just about to finish. They had collected a large number of bags and were going to ship the back using the CCW LandRover.
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Posted by Dave Reynolds. Posted In : Beach Clean Report
May 21, 2011
It was a windy and showery day and quite chilly for the time of year, We arrived for the beach clean at 3pm, just as a heavey shower started, so we waited in the car until 3:15 when the rain passed.
We had some interesting things to collect
- the remains of someone's party that they had left on the beach
- a number of fish and chip cartons that had been buried under stones, (it was clear that about 4 people had had a chip supper on the beach)
- we also found three used nappies (what are people doing...
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Posted by Dave Reynolds. Posted In : Beach Clean Report
May 10, 2011
I've been looking at my diary for the next few weeks and have picked out
Saturday May 21st 3pm as a good time for a beach clean.
We'll meet at the
car park at Ynyslas turn and have another go alongside the golf course as I think there is still enough rubbish along there to keep us busy.
I hope that you will be able to come along and help and enjoy an hour or two on the beach (fingers crossed for nice weather).
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Posted by Sarah Reynolds. Posted In : Coming Soon
April 26, 2011
A big thankyou to those of you who
managed to escape various Easter chores or visitors and come along to
the beach on Saturday.
There wasnt a lot of rubbish up near the
YMCA so we spread out towards town. Despite removing eight or nine
bags and assorted carbumper and metal, frames there is still quite a lot
left still between some of the sea defences on the way into town before
you hit the new boulder heaps. Most of the stuff we collected seemed
quite small so it took a long time ... Continue reading...
Posted by Sandi Baker. Posted In : Beach Clean Report
March 23, 2011
Thank you so much those of you that turned out on Sunday for the Ynyslas Beach clean.
Unlike the day before when Borth was
apparently crawling with people, the cooler weather kept folk away, only
a sand yacht and some horses on the very low tide. Oh and the peat beds were widely
exposed.9 people collected
eleven bags of junk, mainly plastic bottle tops and assorted lengths of
fishing line. There was one shoe and a BIG nest of frayed fishing rope
that was quite spectacular! Like a mermaids... Continue reading...
Posted by Sandi Baker. Posted In : Beach Clean Report
February 27, 2011

Thank you to all the folk who collected rubbish on the beach at Borth this saturday afternoon just gone.
It was a beautiful afternoon, despite the brisk northerly wind, with amazing sunshine and blue sky along the coastal strip.
We collected betwen us 16 black sacks of junk, a long length of
guttering and a hefty chequered road sign (well washed) There hadnt
seemed to be that much rubbish on the beach after the recent high tides
(perhaps its all in Tywyn by now!) but we soon found the usu... Continue reading...
Posted by Sandi Baker. Posted In : Beach Clean Report
February 26, 2011
Ive looked at the
forecast and as usual its a bit mixed, supposed to be drier (relatively
speaking ) on the west coast and drier as the day goes on, but the
chance of rain has gone from 65% to 90% light NW wind and max temp 8
deg, so I'll get the hoops out and if any of you feel like bringing
waterproofs and wellies out, we'll see what we can do .
Keep your fingers crossed So please join me, if you can, on
Saturday February 26th any time in the afternoon from 13.00.
- pick up a bag,... Continue reading...
Posted by Sandi Baker. Posted In : Coming Soon